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Home > Shop > Household > Bathroom & WC > Toilet & Facial Paper > BAMBOO KING Facial Tissue Small Package Single Bag 3 ply 100 Sheets

BAMBOO KING Facial Tissue Small Package Single Bag 3 ply 100 Sheets


Bamboo can be grown in one year. It is renewable. Proper cutting can promote the growth of bamboo.
The tree growth cycle is long, 10-30 years. Cutting needs to be replanted reforestation, not regeneration.
Bamboo absorbs up to 30% more carbon and produces 35% more oxygen than trees. As it grows around 30% faster than trees it is the most sustainable product on the paper market
As the fastest growing plant in the world, bamboo is an important element to balance oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Every minute, a forest the size of 20 football fields is cut down. The ecology goes further and further away. Eight million trees are being felled every day with the household paper.
It is estimated that within 100 years, there will be no rainforests left Is time to save the world…..
Use BamBoo King paper, we can save the forest!

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