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Home > Shop > Pets > Fish > Fish Food > TETRA Tablets Tabimin – 120 Tablets

TETRA Tablets Tabimin – 120 Tablets


The Tetra Tablets TabiMin are staple food tablets for all tropical ornamental fish in the freshwater aquarium that are in the lower water zones and on the bottom and are also available in a variety of sizes.

Tetra Tablets TabiMin is a biologically balanced, nutrient-rich premium tablet food for all bottom-eating fish. The tablets sink quickly, can be placed well in hidden places for shy fish and slowly dissolve for easy feed intake without falling apart or clouding the water. The new multi-tablet formula contains shrimp for improved acceptance as well as all essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Kelp with many natural minerals and carotenoids contribute to the natural enhancement of the colours. Tetra feed is easy to digest – so the water is less polluted and remains clean and clear.

Feeding recommendation
Tetra Tablets TabiMin should only be fed in the amount that fish can consume in about 30 minutes. Use the tablets in the community aquarium together with TetraMin Flakes / Granules or TetraPro. For a varied diet, feed Tetra Delica 2-3 times a week. The best-before date on the packaging indicates the point in time until which the feed remains intact when sealed and properly stored. The opened feed box should be fed within 3 months because moisture, air and light break down the nutrients in the feed and thus impair the supply of essential ingredients.

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