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Home > Shop > Pets > Fish > Fish Food > TETRA Weedend 10 Sticks

TETRA Weedend 10 Sticks


Tetra Weekend Food Sticks are 100% edible and provide valuable nutrition for your fish when you are not at home to feed them. The packet contains 10 sticks which differ from many other holiday and weekend fish foods on the market which can contain a lot of indigestible plaster.

Each Tetra Weekend Holiday Food Sticks contains a unique blend of essential nutrients composed within a dense formation which contains zero indigestible binding agents, providing enough food for your fish for 1 week.

The Tetra Weekend Food Sticks will also remain in one piece once in the water, breaking down only when your fish feed from them. This prevents clouding of the water or the release of waste food particles which often float around in the tank, thus these sticks maintain healthy water

These holiday food sticks are designed for tropical fish and freshwater fish.

SKU: TE182 Categories: , , , , ,