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Civet d’ourite (poulpe) a la réunionnaise



– 1.5 kg of small octopus 

– 4 onions, chopped

– 4 chopped tomatoes 

– 1 teaspoon of tomato paste

– 5 cloves of chopped garlic

– 40 grams of grated ginger

– 2 sticks of thyme

– 3 cloves

– A pinch of nutmeg

– 4 bay leaves

– 50 cl of red wine 

– 5cl of white martini or vermouth

– Oil

– Salt and pepper

– Vinegar

– 8 stems of chopped parsley


Step 1: Cook under pressure the octopus about 15 minutes in a volume of boiling water with a dash of vinegar, then remove the thin skin.

Step 2: Cut the octopus into pieces and sear it over medium heat to make it lose its water, then add a little oil and fry it for 3 minutes.

Step 3: Add the martini, the onions, the tomatoes, the tomato paste, the garlic, the ginger, the thyme, the cloves, a pinch of nutmeg, the bay leaf, salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes covered.

Step 4: Add the red wine and let it cook under pressure until the wine evaporates and adjust the seasoning.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

The Chef’s special touch:

Put the octopus in the freezer for 72 hours before preparing it, this will soften it.


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